125,90 $
Atom Serien – lille størrelse, stor lyd
Atom højttalerne fra Earthquake sikrer dig kompromisløs kvalitetslyd pakket ind i et elegant og diskret design. Atom serien er bygget på patenteret Earthquake teknologi, der leverer en helt utrolig lyd taget højttalernes størrelse i betragtning.
Atom serien gør det nu muligt at installere næsten usynlige indbyggede loftshøjttalere, og samtidig få glæde af den store lyd, man normalt associerer med store og rummelige højttalere.
Atom serien er den første ægte bredbånds, high performance mikro højttaler, der kan tilsluttes en subwoofer
With Atom it is now possible to install almost invisible in-ceiling speakers, while enjoying the rich, full-bodied sound traditionally associated with large speakers. The Atom series is the first true wideband high performance micro speaker that can be paired with a subwoofer crossed over as low as 100 hz. This means the subwoofer can be placed aesthetically out of sight.
Normalt når man bruger en mikro højttaler, går man enten på kompromis med båndbredden, output level og – Det gør du ikke med Atom serien. Der er ingen kompromis, for du får det hele pakket ind i en mikro højttaler med utrolig lyd. Den specielle XLT driver yder et højt output level uden forvrængning.
Traditionally, when using micro speakers you had to either compromise bandwidth, stereo imaging or output level. With Atom there are no compromises. The special XLT (Xtra Long Stroke) driver can produce high output levels with no distortion. Normal micro speakers are limited in excursion and thus sound output. The Atoms have almost three times the excursion of a typical micro speaker. The unique combination of XLT-Geometry and SWS (shallow woofer system) technology has resulted in a very rugged and high performing speaker unit currently unrivaled in the marketplace.
The applications for the Atom speakers are virtually limitless. With its micro size and sealed chassis design it can be placed almost anywhere. It is small enough to be placed in typical recessed lighting cans – even small halogen type. Tracked lighting spots can be converted to audio with the Atom speakers. The sealed chassis design makes them a superb choice when mounting into insulation or other barrier materials.
The Atoms make ideal surround speakers and with paintable grille and frame they easily blend into any decor.